You can know anything. It's all there. You just have to find it.

-Neil Gaiman


Friday, March 27, 2015

In the Hopper

Long story short...

The book is done.  In the hopper.  Finito.  I'm finished.

Well, not really.  But it is off to the copy editor, a job I know I could NEVER do.  Talk about eagle eyes.

And so now I'm onto the next one.  Hooray!  No, really, that wasn't sarcastic.  I'm actually excited to get moving on it, and excited about the plot, which takes place in the Rocky Mountains.  Think snow and cold but no one singing, "Let it Go!"

And it won't be called FROZEN, either.

So to celebrate here's my new favorite song by Walk the Moon.

People of a certain age should get all these 80's references.

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