You can know anything. It's all there. You just have to find it.

-Neil Gaiman


Monday, March 28, 2011

F minus

So I did that whole broth diet thing and it went pretty well.  When I was making it a week ago I added all the ingredients to the boiling water- things like kale, parsnips, celery, carrots, cabbage, beets, onion, garlic, and let it simmer an hour until the room smelled like a bog.  A nice steamy peat bog.  The broth turned a lovely shade of violet probably because of the cabbage and beets.  Surprisingly, it tasted good.  Like a nice purple vegetable broth. 

So I drank that as a snack.  I also ate nice quality protein and lots of vegetables.  So many vegetables, in fact, that I started to fart like a buffalo. 

Normally I fart like small, well-mannered miniature pony. 

Also, I ate fruit.

But here's the problem.  As soon as I'm not supposed to eat something, I want to eat it.

Which is why I also ate:

Graham Crackers
Semi-sweet chocolate chips straight out of the bag
More Coffee
Another Brownie
Another Egg
Chicken pot pie with cornbread

I also did the P90X cardio extreme workout.  Sena sat on the couch, looking from me jumping up and down like an idiot, to Tony Horton yelling out the commands to, "Jump!  Higher!  More!  Yeah!"  She was looking at me like people look at the baboons at the zoo.  Curious, yet concerned.  Mildly frightened.

So basically this means that I can't follow instructions to save my life.  I fail.  The one thing I did do throughout the whole week?  I did eat less.  Smaller portions.  And when I went to put on a pair of pants this morning, they felt a bit looser.  They were looser.

I was pretty pleased with myself.

Of course, they had donuts at work this morning.

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