You can know anything. It's all there. You just have to find it.

-Neil Gaiman


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Boob Tube

If you are looking for some good entertainment this winter, I have three series to recommend.

1. MI-5 (spooks)
2. Dexter
3. Rome

MI-5 is done by the BBC, Dexter is Showtime, and Rome was done by HBO. All three are available through Netflix.

Right now I'm moving through season 2 of MI-5, which is a spy series that is nothing at all like James Bond. This is not glamorous or sexy or fun version of spying; this seems to be the real deal. It is real and honest and shocking. It is also extremely well done and riveting.

Dexter is a little more fun. Dexter Morgan is a forensic expert in Miami, specializing in blood spatter analysis. He is also a serial killer. However, he only kills bad people, so you don't have to feel bad about yourself for liking him a lot. Which I do. This is another wonderfully addictive show and based off the Dexter Darkly Dreaming series of books by Jeff Lindsay.

Rome is something else. It follows the rise of the Julius Caesar, his murder, and the subsequent fallout, but the story is really shown through the eyes of two Centurions who interact with the famous people we read about in the history books. It's a really entertaining history lesson, but there is, as my mother shockingly confessed, "So much SEX in it!" Sex, sex, sex," she said. "I couldn't believe it. It's like they're obsessed with it."

I told my mom that people didn't have computers, telephones, or cable television. Honestly, when you take all that stuff away what else are you going to do?

Sudoku? No, they didn't have that either.

Here are some trailers...

This next clip is a Dexter/Doakes montage. Sergeant James Doakes is Dexter Morgan's nemesis. The writing in this show is stellar. And very funny if you have a certain sense of humor. A disturbed one.

And when in Rome...

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